Arbeits- und Forschungsstellen

Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies (EXILE)

The work of the Centre focuses on the history of German-speaking emigrés who found refuge in Britain, their personal recollections and experiences, their reception in British society, and their enrichment of the life of their new country of residence in such varied spheres as the professions, industry and commerce, literature, art and culture, politics, publishing, the media, and the world of leisure and entertainment. The concept of German-speaking exile extends to those who came from the former Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and other European countries, as well as Germany and Austria. So far the main focus of research has been on the emigrés who came to Britain in the 1930s and 1940s, but the Centre intends to widen the scope of research to include important groups of emigrés who arrived in the 19th-century and earlier. [Information des Anbieters]

Das Zentrum beherbergt ein Exile Archive, in dem Aufzeichnungen deutscher und österreichischer Emigrierter aufbewahrt werden, und es veröffentlicht ein eigenes Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies.

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Quelle der Beschreibung: Redaktion
