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Es wurden 63 Ergebnisse gefunden.

Zeige Ergebnisse 26 bis 30 von 63.


  1. 'Misi me per l'alto mare aperto' : personality and impersonality in Virginia Woolf's reading of Dante's allegorical language
    Erschienen: 30.10.2019

    Although Dante’s influence on modernism has been widely explored and examined from different points of view, the aspects of Virginia Woolf's relationship with the Florentine author have not yet been extensively considered. Woolf's use of Dante is... mehr


    Although Dante’s influence on modernism has been widely explored and examined from different points of view, the aspects of Virginia Woolf's relationship with the Florentine author have not yet been extensively considered. Woolf's use of Dante is certainly less evident and ponderous than that of authors such as T.S. Eliot and James Joyce; nonetheless, this connection should not be disregarded, since Woolf's reading of Dante and her meditations on his work are inextricably fused with her creative process. As Teresa Prudente shows in this essay, Woolf's appreciation of Dante is closely connected to major features of her narrative experimentation, ranging from her conception of the structure and design of the literary work to her reflections concerning the meaning and function of literary language.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-85132-617-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800); Englische, altenglische Literaturen (820)
    Sammlung: ICI Berlin
    Schlagworte: Dante Alighieri; Divina Commedia; Rezeption; Woolf, Virginia; Erzähltechnik; Sprache



  2. A cardboard Dante : hell's metropolis revisited
    Erschienen: 30.10.2019

    The subject of this paper is a recent comic movie version of Dante's "Comedy": a 2007 puppet and toy theatre adaptation of the "Inferno" directed by Sean Meredith. It is certainly not the first time that Dante and his theatre of hell appear in this... mehr


    The subject of this paper is a recent comic movie version of Dante's "Comedy": a 2007 puppet and toy theatre adaptation of the "Inferno" directed by Sean Meredith. It is certainly not the first time that Dante and his theatre of hell appear in this kind of environment. Mickey Mouse has followed Dante's footsteps and very recently a weird bunch of prehistoric animals went a similar path: in part three of the blockbuster "Ice Age" (2009), a new, lippy guide character named Buck uses several Dante quotes and the whole strange voyage can be described as a Dantesque descent into dinosaur hell. In the following pages Ronald de Rooy argues that Meredith's version of Dante's "Inferno" is not only funny and entertaining, but that it is also surprisingly innovative if we compare it to other literature and movies which project Dante's hell or parts of it onto the modern metropolis.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-85132-617-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Öffentliche Darbietungen, Film, Rundfunk (791); Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: ICI Berlin
    Schlagworte: Dante Alighieri; Inferno; Rezeption; Adaption <Literatur>; Animationsfilm; Parodie



  3. 'Per-tras-versioni' dantesche : post-paradisiacal constellations in the poetry of Vittorio Sereni and Andrea Zanzotto
    Erschienen: 04.11.2019

    This paper is a study of language disorders in two works by twentieth-century poets in dialogue with Dante's Paradiso: Vittorio Sereni's "Un posto di vacanza" (1971) and Andrea Zanzotto's 'Oltranza oltraggio' (1968). The constellations that Francesca... mehr


    This paper is a study of language disorders in two works by twentieth-century poets in dialogue with Dante's Paradiso: Vittorio Sereni's "Un posto di vacanza" (1971) and Andrea Zanzotto's 'Oltranza oltraggio' (1968). The constellations that Francesca Southerden focuses on are linguistic, and the specific 'disorder' she wants to consider is aphasia - the dissolution of language. Charting the way in which Sereni and Zanzotto construct the universes of their poems as 'per-tras-versioni' of their Dantean counterpart - something 'turned aside' or 'diverted', which 'cuts across' the ideal, Dantean scheme - she shows how, in different ways, the intertextual dialogue between modern and medieval author manifests itself as a 'resemanticization' of the language of "Paradiso" or, better, of that coming-into-language of desire and the poem which, textually speaking, Dante's third canticle takes as its alpha and omega.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-85132-617-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: ICI Berlin
    Schlagworte: Dante Alighieri; Divina Commedia. Paradiso; Rezeption; Sereni, Vittorio; Zanzotto, Andrea; Aphasie



  4. Wives and lovers in Dante and Eugenio Montale
    Autor*in: West, Rebecca
    Erschienen: 04.11.2019

    In this brief excursion into the poetry of Dante and Montale, Rebecca West suggests some approaches to only a few issues that emerge out of the creation of both the primary beloveds of Dante and Montale and of those feminine figures that have been... mehr


    In this brief excursion into the poetry of Dante and Montale, Rebecca West suggests some approaches to only a few issues that emerge out of the creation of both the primary beloveds of Dante and Montale and of those feminine figures that have been characterized as ostensibly 'antitranscendental' and more secondary in their roles and meanings. As regards Montale's primary feminine figure, Clizia, West argues that she is, to use Teodolinda Barolini's term for Beatrice, a 'hybrid' poetic character, and ultimately exceeds the limits of the poetic beloved as traditionally conceived and read, not only in the courtly tradition upon which she is modelled but well beyond it. In the case of the so-called secondary 'other women' in Dante's and Montale's poetry, West seeks to show that they are much less separable from the primary feminine figures than such binaries as major/minor, transcendent/erotic, soul/body, and traditional/experimental may lead us to believe. Lastly, West considers specifically the wife-figure, in her conspicuous absence from Dante's corpus and in her late appearance in Montale's. For both poets, there are complex intertwinings, interferences, and non-dualistic patterns that form a densely textured poetic weave, in which both the primary and the secondary feminine figures provide "fili rossi" as well as not so easily graspable dangling threads of meaning. These threads have to do with the preoccupation of both poets with the possible integration of immanence and transcendence, embodiment and abstraction, and with the very limits of poetic language. West's topic is also motivated by a feminist-oriented search for modes of deciphering the figure of the feminine beloved in lyric poetry that are not conditioned exclusively by the traditional emphasis on the male poet-creator, but which allow for a shift in focus onto the female figure who is, of course, the creature of the poet's imagination and skill, but who also often takes him into regions in which the excesses (commonly associated with the female) of non-binary thought and the mysteries of alterity - the feminine symbolic sphere, in short - do not so much allow the emergence of neatly squared-off meanings as the evolution of more oblique, circular conduits of potential significance. As a specialist of modern literature, Rebecca West concentrates on Montale more than on Dante, mainly noting the Dantesque aspects of the former's poetry.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-85132-617-8
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: ICI Berlin
    Schlagworte: Dante Alighieri; Divina Commedia; Rezeption; Montale, Eugenio; Frau <Motiv>



  5. Phantasmagorie statt Fetisch : zur modernen Signatur der Dinge
    Erschienen: 09.12.2019

    Dinge besitzen eine Ausstrahlung, sie können bezaubern und erschrecken, faszinieren und bannen. Diese Erfahrung machen Menschen nicht nur mit 'auratischen' oder 'authentischen' Kunstwerken, auch im Zeitalter der technischen Reproduzierbarkeit... mehr


    Dinge besitzen eine Ausstrahlung, sie können bezaubern und erschrecken, faszinieren und bannen. Diese Erfahrung machen Menschen nicht nur mit 'auratischen' oder 'authentischen' Kunstwerken, auch im Zeitalter der technischen Reproduzierbarkeit scheinen Dinge ein Eigenleben zu führen. Nachdem konstruktivistische Zugänge versuchten, ihnen genau dieses auszutreiben, kehrt es seit einiger Zeit wieder: in der Rede von der Aktivität der Objekte und der Macht der Dinge. Dies lässt sich mit der Vokabel 'Fetischismus' ideologiekritisch brandmarken oder kulturtheoretisch verherrlichen. In diesem Beitrag wird ein anderer Weg beschritten. Zu Beginn konstatiert er eine Sehnsucht nach dem unmittelbaren Gegebensein der Dinge und präsentiert sodann einen Zugriff, der diesen Befund berücksichtigt, ohne auf den Bereich des Sakralen zurückzugreifen: sei dies in magischer, mythischer oder fetischistischer Form. Vielmehr baut er auf die Phantasmagorie, die sich im Profanen ansiedelt und es erlaubt, systematisch Ästhetik und Ökonomie, Technik und Politik aufeinander zu beziehen. Die Ausführungen laufen auf die These hinaus, dass sich mit der Phantasmagorie eine kritische Alternative zum Fetisch formulieren lässt, welche die profane Moderne mit ihren produktiven Möglichkeiten und Risiken in all ihrer Ambivalenz auf den Begriff zu bringen vermag.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Teil eines Buches (Kapitel); bookPart
    Format: Online
    ISBN: 978-3-85132-634-5
    DDC Klassifikation: Literatur und Rhetorik (800)
    Sammlung: ICI Berlin
    Schlagworte: Freud, Sigmund; Das Unheimliche; Psychoanalyse; Unmittelbarkeit; Benjamin, Walter; Fetischismus

