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The copie of a double letter sent by an English gentilman from beyond the seas, to his frende in London
containing the true aduises of the cause, and maner of the death, of one Richard Atkins, executed by fire in Rome, the seconde of August 1581 -
The English Romayne lyfe
Discouering: the liues of the Englishmen at Roome: the orders of the English semiminarie [sic]: the dissention betweene the Englishmen and the VVelshmen: the banishing of the Englishmen out of Roome: the Popes sending for them againe: a reporte of many of the paltrie reliques in Roome: ther vautes vnder the grounde: their holy pilgrimages: and a number other matters, worthy to be read and regarded of euery one. There vnto is added, the cruell tiranny, vsed on an English man at Roome, his Christian suffering, and notable martirdome, for the Gospell of Iesus Christe, in anno. 1581. VVritten by A.M. sometime the Popes scholler in the seminarie among them. Seene and allovved -
The English Romayne lyfe
Discouering: the liues of the Englishmen at Roome: the orders of the English seminarie: the dissention betweene the Englishmen and the welchmen: the banishing of the Englishemen out of Rome: the Popes sending for them againe: a reporte of many of the paltrie reliques in Rome: theyr vautes vnder the ground: their holy pilgrimages: and a number other matters, woorthie to be read and regarded of euery one. There vnto is added, the cruell tiranny, vsed on an English man at Rome, his Christian suffering, and notable martirdome, for the Gospel of Iesus Christ, in anno. 1581. VVritten by A.M. sometime the Popes scholler in the seminarie among them. Honos alit artes, seene and allovved