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From bilingual to biliterate: secondary discourse abilities in bilingual children’s story telling
evidence from Greek heritage language speakers in Germany and the United States -
From Bilingual to Biliterate: Secondary Discourse Abilities in Bilingual Children’s Story Telling
Evidence from Greek Heritage Language Speakers in Germany and the United States -
The brother's gift, or Pleasing stories for children
At his Majesty's Bear-Garden. In Hockly-in-the-Hole, this present Wednesday, being the 14th of May, 1735. Will be performed a tryal of skill by the following great masters in that noble art, call'd defence
The son of a genius
a tale, for the use of youth -
The son of a genius
a tale, for the use of youth -
Saggio sulla necessita' di conferire gl' impieghi secondo i talenti
Examen de ingenios.
In whicch [sic], by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By Iohn Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camilli. Englished out of his Italian, by R.C. Esquire = The examination of mens vvits -
The faculties
a history -
Ethnographies of reason
Entwicklung der Fähigkeiten und Begabungen
The Examination of mens wits. ...
Der Körper in Form und Hemmung
die Beherrschung der Disposition als Lebensgrundlage -
The measure of merit
talents, intelligence, and inequality in the French and American republics, 1750 - 1940 -
Aktivierung der Talente
Testknacken leichtgemacht
für alle, die sich bewerben ; der praxisnahe Wegweiser durchs Testdickicht -
A triall of wits
Singulis proprij assistunt genij.
Meteor-astrum non arguit mundi interitum -
Examen de ingenios
Examen de ingenios.
In which, by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By Iohn Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camilli. Englished out of his Italian, by R.C. Esquire = The examination of mens vvits -
A short treatise concerning the lavvfullnesse of every mans exercising his gift as God shall call him thereunto
Examen de ingenios.
In whicch [sic], by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By Iohn Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camili. Englished out of his Italian, by R.C. Esquire = The examination of mens vvits -
Examen de ingenios.
In which, by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By Iohn Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camilli. Englished out of his Italian, by R.C. Esquire = The examination of mens wits -
Examen de ingenios.
In which, by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By Iohn Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camili. Englished out of his Italian, by R.C. Esquire = The examination of mens vvits -
A brief discourse concerning the different wits of men
written at the request of a gentleman, eminent in virtue, learning, fortune, in the year 1664, and now published with consent of the author