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A mysterious doctrine unriddled, or Unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers, considered
The substance of which was delivered in a sermon preached in the West Meeting-House in Boston the Lord's-Day after the 30th of January. Adapted to the present times. Published at the request of the hearers. By J------- M---------, A.M. pastor of the West Church in Boston -
The History of plots and conspiracies
shewing the fatal consequences which have attended the projectors of them in all ages and nations -
L'homme qui poignarda Louis XV
Robert-Franc̜ois Damien (1705 - 1757) -
Observations upon the papers which Mr. Rookwood and Mr. Lowick deliver'd to the sheriffs at the time of their execution, April 29, 1696
together with remarks upon some part of Mr. Cranburn's discourse with the sheriffs at the same time -
Revolt in prerevolutionary France
the Prince de Conti's conspiracy against Louis XV ; 1755 - 1757 -
Scutum regium
id est, aduersus omnes regicidas et regicidarum patronos, ab initio mundi vsque ad interitum Phocae imp. circa annum ab incarnatione Domini 610. ecclesiæ Catholicæ consensus orthodoxus. In tres libros diuisus, quorum 1. Primus continet testimonia & exempla sacrae scripturae vtriusq[ue] testamenti. 2. Secundus ecclesiae primitiuae innocentiam, & erga principes obedientia[m], sub dece[m] grauissimis per sequutionib[us] [sic]. 3. Tertius orthodoxorum fidelitatem in haereticos, & nefarios imp. ab imperio Constantini Magni vsque ad exitum Phocae -
The protection of the President of the United States
L'ouragan homicide
l'attentat politique en France au XIXe siècle -
The history of plots and conspiracies
Shewing, the fatal consequences which have attended the projectors of them in all ages and nations