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Kaye 1608
an almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, being the bissextile or leape yeare : made and set forth according to the probable points of the diuin science of astronomy, and very faithfully supputated and rectified for the meridian of the famous city of Yorke -
Woodhouse 1608
an amanacke [sic] and prognostication for the yere of our redemption 1608 : necessarie for all men, chiefly for gentlemen, lawyers, marchants, mariners, husbandmen, trauellers, artifices, and all other : faithfully supputated for the meridian and inclination of Wolnerhampton in Staffordshire, and may aptly serue for all England -
Ponde 1608. A president for prognosticators. A new almanacke for this present yeare of our Lord. 1608
Being bissextile or leape yeare. Calculated for the latitude and meridian of the antient shiere-towne of Essex, called Chelmsford, and generally for all Great Brittaine -
Matthew. 1608. A new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God. 1608
Beyng leape yeare -
The seamans kalender, or An ephemerides of the sunne, moon, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres
Hopton 1608
an almanacke for this present yeare of our redemption 1608, being leape yeare : rectified especially for the meridian and latitude of the famous towne of Shrewsbury, indifferently seruing the west parts and generally agreeing to the south part of Great Britaine -
Alleyns almanacke, or, A double diarie & prognostication for this yeare of our Lord God, 1608, being intercaler or leape yeare
the one calculated speciallye for the latitude and meridian of the ancient towne of Petvvorth in Sussex, which may verie fitly serue for the cittie of Chichester, the borrowes & townes of Aru[n]del, Horsham, Midhurst Haselmore, & generally for all Great Brittaine : the other ... are desirous to trauell beyond seas