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Allestree 1617
a new almanacke and prognostication, for this yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first from the leape-yeare : rectified and written, especially for the eleuation of the pole Articke and meridian of the famous towne of Derby and may serue generally, for the most part of Great Britaine -
Dade 1617
a new almanacke and prognostication with the forraigne computation, in which you may behold the state of this yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first after leape-yeare -
Freind 1617
a new almanacke and prognostication in which you may behold the state of this present yeare of our Lorde God, 1617, being the first from the leape yeare : calculated for the famous citty of London, and generally for all England -
Gilden 1617
a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first after leap yeare : calculated and composed according to arte for the latitude and meridian of the honorable citty of London, and may well serue for all the south parts of Great Britaine -
Rudston 1617
an almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first after the bissextill or leap yeare : calculated for the meridian and latitude of the city of London, and may well serue for this whole monarchie of Great Brittaine : whereunto is added many necessary rules, tables & directions neuer before published by any -
Upcot 1617
an almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first after leape-yeare, and from the creation of the world 5579 -
John Johnson 1617
an almanacke and prognostication for this yeare of our Lord God 1617 : being the first from the bissextile or leape-yeare : written most especially for the meridian of the famous towne of Colchester, in Essex, and will serue generally for all England -
Keene 1617
an almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God, 1617 : being the first yeare after the bissextile or leape yeare, the 35 from the reformed computation, and from the beginning of the world 5579 : composed properly for the latitude and meridian of London, and may well serue for the south part of Great Brittaine -
Neue, 1617
a new almanack and prognostication, with the forraigne computation seruing for the yeare of our lord and sauiour Iesus Christ, 1617, being the first yeare from the bissextile or leape yeare : rectified for the eleuation of the pole articke and meridian of the famous towne of Great Yarmouth in Norfolke, and may serue generally for the most part of Great Brittaine -
Ranger 1617
an almanacke seruing for the yeare of our Lord MDCXVII, being the yeare from the worlds creation 5579, & the first from the leap yeare : calculated and properly referred to the paralell and meridian of the honourable citty of Yorke, where the pole is mounted aboue the horizon 54. deg. 20. mi., and may serue without sensible error all the parts of Great Brittaine which lie betwixt the riuers of Trent and Tweed -
Bretnor 1617
a newe almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1617, being the first from leape-yeare -
Browne, 1617
an almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of grace, 1617, being the first from leape-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the famous citie of London and will serue generally for all Great Britaine -
Burton, 1617
an almanacke and prognostication, for this yeare of our re[demption] ... being first after leape-yeare, from the creation of the world ... which will serue generally, without any great errour, for any place within this kingdome