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Dade 1636
a new almanacke and prognostication with the forraigne computation, in which you may behold the state of this yeare 1636, for the meridian of London and may serue for the most part of Great Britaine, being the bissextile or leape yeare -
Vaux 1636
a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1636, being the bissextile or leap-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the ancient city of Durham, where the pole is mounted above the horizon almost 55 degree -
White 1636
a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1636, being the bissextile or leap-yeere : calculated for the meridian of the most honorable city of London, and will serve generally for the monarchy of Great Britaine -
Perkins, 1636
a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1636 : being the bissextile, or leape yeere, and from the worlds creation 5598 : composed, and chiefly referred to the meridian of the famous city of London -
Fallowes, 1636
A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1636. and from the creation, 5585. Being bissextile or leape yeere. Calculated especially for the latitude and meridian of the ancient shire-towne of Nottingham: and may very well serve for most parts of great Brittaine. Longitude 24. degrees, 6. minutes. Latitude 52. degrees, 54. minutes. By Edvvard Fallovves, well-vviller to the mathematicks -
Kidman 1636. A new almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1636
Being the leap-yeare, and after the 27 of March the 12 yeare of the reigneof our soveraigne Lord King Charles. Amplified with things usefull, as well profitable as pleasant for all sorts of men. Calculated, and properly referred to the meridian and latitude of Saffron-Walden in Essex, where the pols is elevated above the horizon 52 degrees, and may without sensible errour serve any part of this kingdome of England -
Swallow 1636. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1636
Being bissextile or leap-yeare, and from our sauiours passion 1603. Calculated properly for the famous Vniuersitie and town of Cambridge; but may indifferently serue for any part of this kingdome -
Pond 1636. An almanack for the yeare of our Lord Christ MDCXXXVI
Being bissextile or leap-yeare and since the creation of the world 5585. Lately amplified with many things of very good vse, both for pleasure and profit -
The anatomie of the yeare 1636, sive Prognosticon astrologicum & diarium meteorologicum, vel speculum anni bissextilis MDCXXXVI
Wherein (besides the generall state of the yeare) you may probably behold the dayly disposition and inclination of the aire, together with the time of eclipses, great conjunctions, aspects, &c. Their effects with other astrologicall observations for this present yeare of Christs incarnation and our redemption 1636. With an essay touching the reformation of the yeare, to the pristine state it was in the emperour Julius Cesars [sic] time. Calculated -
Clark 1636
an almanack and prognostication for this yeare, being bissextile or leap-yeare, and from our Saviours passion 1602 : calculated ... for the famous town of Ipswich, but may indifferently serve for any other place within this kingdome -
Wyberd 1636
an almanacke and prognostication with the forraine raine [sic] computation, serving for the yeare of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, 1636, being bissextile or leape yeare : collected, composed and especially referred to the meridian and inclination of the most honourable city of London, whose graduation is for latitude 51 degrees 34 minutes, longitude 25 degrees 50 minutes, and may serue (without sensible errour) any part of this kingdome, in which you may behold the state and disposition of the whole yeare -
Almanack for th?e yeare of our? Lord 1636
Woodhouse 1636. A new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1636
Being the bissextile, or leape yeare. Containing sundry rules, notes, and directions necessary for most sorts of men, serving indifferently for all this Kingdome of Great Britaine, but more especially for the meridian of the ancient city of Chichester, and the southerne parts. Made and collected by Iohn Woodhouse, Philomath -
Neue 1636
a new almanack and prognostication, with the forraigne computation serving for the yeere of our Lord God, and Saviour Iesus Christ, 1636, being the bissextile or leape yeere : rectified for the elevation of the pole Artick, and meridian of the ancient and famous citty of Norwich, and will serve without any sensible error, the whole kingdome of Great Brittaine -
Langley 1636
a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1636 and from the creation 5598, being bissextill or leap yeere : composed for the meridian of the ancient and famous towne of Shrewsbury, & generally for al Great Brittain