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Detection of Ed. Glouers hereticall confection
lately contriued and proffered to the Church of England, vnder the name of A present preseruatiue. VVherein with the laying open of his impudent slander against our whole ministrie, the reader shal find a new built nest of old hatcht heresies discouered, (and by the grace of God) ouerthrowne: togither with an admonistion to the followers of Glouer and Browne -
Detection of Ed. Glouers hereticall confection
lately contriued and proffered to the Church of England, vnder the name of A present preseruatiue. VVherein with the laying open of his impudent slander against our whole ministrie, the reader shal find a new built nest of old hatcht heresies discouered, (and by the grace of God) ouerthrowne: togither with an admonistion to the followers of Glouer and Browne. By Steph. Bredwell, student in phisicke. Seene and allowed