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Es wurden 6 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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Of credulity and incredulity in things natural, civil, and divine
wherein, among other things, the sadducism of these times, in denying spirits, witches, and supernatural operations, by pregnant instances and evidences, is fully confuted : Epicurus his cause discussed, and the jugling and false dealing, lately used to bring him and atheism into credit, clearly dicovered : the use and necessity of ancient learning ... proved and asserted -
Blockes-Berges Verrichtung, oder, Ausführlicher geographischer Bericht
von den hohen trefflich alt- und berühmten Blockes-Berge; ingleichen von der Hexenfahrt, und Zauber-Sabbathe ... -
A blow at modern Sadducism in some philosophical considerations about witchcraft
To which is added, the relation of the fam'd disturbance by the drummer, in the house of Mr. John Mompesson, with some reflections on drollery and atheisme -
A philosophical endeavour in the defence of the being of witches and apparitions
with some things concerning the famous Greatrek's -
A blow at modern sadducism
in some philosophical considerations about witchcraft. And the relation of the famed disturbance at the house of M. Mompesson. With reflections on drollery, and atheisme -
Physical experiments
being a plain description of the causes, signes, and cures of most diseases incident to the body of man : to which is added a discourse of diseases proceeding from vvitchcraft