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An inquiry into the value of the ancient Greek and Roman money
Della zecca di Gubbio e delle geste de' conti e duchi di Urbino
Vollständiges Bremisches Münz Cabinet der Erzbischöfe, der Herzöge von Bremen und Verden wie auch der Bischöfe von Verden und der Städte Bremen und Stade
mit historischen Erläuterungen -
An inquiry into the value of the ancient Greek and Roman money
By Matthew Raper, Esq; F.R.S. Read before the Royal Society, A.D. 1771 -
Snelling on the coins of Great Britain France and Ireland, &c. in detached pieces, as follows: I. Gold Coin and Coinage of England, from Henry III. to the present Time. II. Silver Coin and Coinage of England, from the Conquest to the present Time. III. Copper Coin and Coinage of England, including Town Pieces and Tradesmen's Tokens. IV. Silver Coin and Coinage of Scotland, from Alexander I. to the Union of the Two Kingdoms. - To which is added Four Plates of the Gold Billon and Copper Coins of that Kingdom. V. Gold, Silver, &c. Coins struck in France by English Princes-Coins struck by the East India Company-Coins struck in the West India Colonies, and in the Isle of Man-Pattern Pieces for Gold and Silver English Coins-Gold Nobles struck abroad in Imitation of English, and Counterseit Sterlings. VI. Irish Coins in Silver and Copper, before and from the Conquest to the present Reign, being a Supplement, (with great Additions) to Simon's Irish Coins. Vii. Origin, Nature and Use of Jettons or Counters, especially those called Black Money and Abbey Pieces, and the Manner of reckoning with them. The whole containing seventy copper plates