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Les villageois
leurs misères actuelles, des divers remèdes porposés, leur futur bonheur dans la communauté -
An inquiry into the workhouse system and the law of maintenance in agricultural districts
An inquiry into the workhouse system and the law of maintenance in agricultural districts
Observations on the administration of the poor laws in agricultural districts
Observations on the administration of the poor laws in agricultural districts
Requête d'une Société rustique à toutes les assemblées générales, provinciales du royaume
Peasants versus city-dwellers
taxation and the burden of economic development -
Wealth and poverty in European rural societies from the sixteenth to nineteenth century
[COST Action A 35 Progressore] -
The allotment movement in England, 1793 - 1873
The nobe [sic] mans generous kindness, or The country-mans unexpected happiness
giving a true account of a nobleman, who taking notice of the poor man's industrious care and pains for the maintaining of his charge, which was seven small children, meeting him upon a day, discoursed with him, and inviting him and his wife, with his children, home to his house, and accordingly bestowed upon him a farm of thirty acres of land, to be continued to him and his heirs for ever. To the tune of, The two English travellers. this may be printed, R.P -
Letter to the landlords and ratepayers of Ireland
detailing means for the permanent and profitable employment of the peasantry, without ultimate cost to the land or the nation, and within the provisions of the act, 10 Vic. cap. 107 -
Some account of the utility, as practically exemplified, of small clubs, in country villages
Making poverty
a history -
Information for cottagers
collected from the reports of the Society for bettering the condition and increasing the comforts of the poor. And published by order of the Society