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Conclave Ignati: sive Eius in nuperis inferni comitiis inthronisatio. Ubi varia De iesuitarum indole, De novo inferno creando, De ecclesia lunatica instituenda, per satyram congesta sunt. Acc. et apologia pro jesuitis.
An anatomie of the world
Wherein, by occasion of the vntimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury, the frailtie and the decay of this whole world is represented. The first anniuersarie -
The first sermon preached to King Charles, at Saint Iames
3⁰. April. 1625. By Iohn Donne, Deane of Saint Pauls, London -
Foure sermons vpon speciall occasions. (Viz.) 1. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse. 2. To the Honorable, the Virginia Company. 3. At the consecration of Lincolnes Inne Chappell. 4. The first sermon preached to K. Charles at St. Iames, 1625. By Iohn: Donne. Deane of Saint Pauls, London