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  1. The Latgalian language as a regional language in Latvia: A characterisation and implications in the context of languages in Europe
    Erschienen: 2023
    Verlag:  Rezekne : Rezekne Academy of Technologies ; Mannheim : Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)

    This article looks at Latgalian from a perspective of a classification of languages. It starts by discussing relevant terms relating to sociolinguistic language types. It argues that Latgalian and its speakers show considerable similarities with many... mehr


    This article looks at Latgalian from a perspective of a classification of languages. It starts by discussing relevant terms relating to sociolinguistic language types. It argues that Latgalian and its speakers show considerable similarities with many languages in Europe which are considered to be regional languages – hence, also Latgalian should be classified as such. In a second part, the article uses sociolinguistic data to indicate that the perceptions of speakers confirm this classification. Therefore, Latgalian should also officially be treated with the respect that other regional languages in Europe enjoy.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Lettisch; Soziolinguistik; Minderheitensprache; Regionalsprache; Mundart
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  2. Linguistic Landscape of the Baltic states: Data, results, future research perspectives ; Baltijas valstu lingvistiskā ainava: dati, rezultāti, nākotnes pētijumu perspektīvas
    Erschienen: 2023
    Verlag:  Rezekne : Rezekne Academy of Technologies ; Mannheim : Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)

    This paper gives an overview of activities which have been carried out in the field of Linguistic Landscapes (LL) at Rēzekne University College (Rēzeknes Augstskola, RA) since 2008. Between 2009 and 2012, LL research was carried out within the... mehr


    This paper gives an overview of activities which have been carried out in the field of Linguistic Landscapes (LL) at Rēzekne University College (Rēzeknes Augstskola, RA) since 2008. Between 2009 and 2012, LL research was carried out within the framework of one of the work groups of the TILRA project funded by the European Social Funds (ESF). TILRA has had the overarching aim to support research in the humanities which may be helpful for understanding local identity and contribute to the regional development of Latgale. In this light, LL research has proven to be of high value for triggering effects in education at all levels, academic research and for enhancing discussions within politics and regional development. ; Raksta mērķis ir izvērtēt lingvistiskās ainavas laukā paveikto, apkopojot piecu gadu pieredzi un ieskicējot nākotnes perspektīvas turpmākajos pētījumos un studiju procesa satura plānojumā. Rakstā pamatā ir izmantota deskriptīvā pētniecības metode un kontentanalīze. Būtiskākie secinājumi: Lingvistiskās ainavas izpēte dažādās teritoriālajās vienībās Baltijas valstīs ir notikusi kopš 2008. gada, iesaistot arī studentus un vidusskolēnus. Lingvistiskās ainavas izpētes un metodoloģijas pilnveides rezultātā Rēzeknes Augstskolā (turpmāk – RA) ir izveidota kvantitatīvo un kvalitatīvo datu bāze, izstrādāti daudzveidīgi individuālie un kolektīvie pētījumi.Turpmāk ir plānots lielāku uzmanību veltīt Latgales skolu ainavai un citu iestāžu mikrovides izpētei, Latgales pilsētu datu salīdzinājumam ar citu Eiropas valstu reģionu lingvistisko ainavu, korelējot kvantitatīvos datus ar diskursa analīzes daudzveidīgo pieeju iespējām.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Lettisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einer Zeitschrift
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Lettisch; Mundart; Linguistic Landscape; Nationalbewusstsein; Politische Bildung
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

  3. Between old and new killer languages? Linguistic transformation, linguae francae and languages of tourism in the Baltic states
    Erschienen: 2023
    Verlag:  Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang ; Mannheim : Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) [Zweitveröffentlichung]

    This chapter explores the Linguistic Landscape of six medium-size towns in the Baltic States with regard to languages of tourism and to the role of English and Russian as linguae francae. A quantitative analysis of signs and of tourism web sites... mehr


    This chapter explores the Linguistic Landscape of six medium-size towns in the Baltic States with regard to languages of tourism and to the role of English and Russian as linguae francae. A quantitative analysis of signs and of tourism web sites shows that, next to the state languages, English is the most dominant language. Yet, interviews reveal that underneath the surface, Russian still stands strong. Therefore, possible claims that English might take over the role of the main lingua franca in the Baltic States cannot be maintained. English has a strong position for attracting international tourists, but only alongside Russian which remains important both as a language of international communication and for local needs. ; Ce chapitre explore le paysage linguistique de six villes de taille moyenne dans les États Baltes, en particulier le langage touristique et le role de l'anglais et du russe comme linguae francae. Une analyse quantitative des affichages et des sites web touristiques montre qu'à côté des langues nationales, l'anglais est la langue dominante. Cependant, des entretiens révèlent malgré tout que le Russe est toujours très present. Par conséquent, l'idée que l'anglais pourrait supplanter la lingua franca majoritaire dans les États Baltes ne peut pas être défendue. L'anglais occupe une place importante pour attirer les touristes étrangers, mais seulement à côté du russe qui reste une langue de communication importante aux niveaux local el global.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung   RIS-Format
    Quelle: BASE Fachausschnitt Germanistik
    Sprache: Englisch
    Medientyp: Aufsatz aus einem Sammelband
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Sprache (400)
    Schlagworte: Lingua Franca; Tourismus; Baltikum; Linguistic Landscape; Englisch; Russisch; Quantitative Analyse; Mehrsprachigkeit; Website
    Lizenz: ; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess