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The booke of common prayer
with the Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid, of that translation which is appointed to be vsed in churches -
Certaine prayers set foorth by authoritie to be vsed for the prosperous successe of Her Maiesties forces and nauy
Certaine prayers set foorth by authoritie, to be vsed for the prosperous successe of her Maiesties forces and nauy
Certaine prayers set foorth by authoritie, to be vsed for the prosperous successe of her Maiesties forces and nauy
Articles to be enqvired of by the church-wardens and sworn-men within the Diocesse of Winchester
in the visitation of the Reuerend Father in God, Thomas Bishop of Winton, in his first generall visitation, holden: in the nine and thirtieth yeare of the raigne of our most gracious soueraigne Lady, Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland, defendor of the faith, &c -
Capitula sive constitutiones ecclesiasticæ per archiepiscopum, episcopos, & reliquum clerum Cantuariensis prouinciæ
in synodo inchoata Londini vicesimo quinto die mensis Octobris, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonogesimo [sic] septimo, regníque serenissimæ in Christo prinicipis, dominæ Elizabethæ, Dei gratia Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ reginæ, fidei defensoris, &c. tricesimo nono, congregatos tractatæ, ac posteà per ipsam Regiam Maiestatem approbatæ & confirmatæ & vtríque prouinciæ tam Cantuariensi quàm Eboracensi vt diligentiùs obseruentur, eadem regia authoritate sub magno sigillo Angliæ promulgatæ -
Articles to be enquired of by the churchwardens and sworne men within the [blank] and the trueth thereof to be by them vpon their othes certainely presented to the [blank] with peculiar answer to euery article, Anno. Dom. [blank] and in the [blank] yeare of the raigne of our most gratious soueraigne Lady Elizabeth
by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c -
Capitula siue constitutiones ecclesiasticæ
per Archiepiscopum, episcopos, & reliquum clerum Cantuariensis prouinciæ in synodo inchoata Londini vicesimo quinto die mensis Octobris, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo septimo ... congregatos tractatæ, ac posteà per ipsam Regiam Maiestatem approbatæ & confirmatæ, & vtríque prouinciæ tam Cantuariensi quàm Eboracensi vt diligentiùs obseruentur, eadem regia authoritate sub magno Sigillo Angliæ promulgatæ -
Certaine prayers set foorth by authoritie, to be vsed for the prosperous successe of her Maiesties forces and nauy