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sarguḏašt-i yak ǧināyat-i kār -
Deutsches Schriftstellerlexikon
1830 - 1880 ; Goedekes Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung - Fortführung -
Ṭufūlat Birlīnīya fī maṭlaʿ al-qarn al-ʿašrīn
Taḥqīq an-nuṣūṣ baina iḫtilāf ar-riwāyāt wa-ahimmiyat as-samāʿāt wa-taʿaddud al-ibrāzāt
= The Critical edition of texts between different narrations, the importance of auditions (Samāʿāt) and multiple versions -
Alf laḥẓa min as-saʿāda
Šabhā Tihrān ārām ast
= Tehran is quiet at night -
Ṭufūlat Birlīnīya fī maṭlaʿ al-qarn al-ʿašrīn
Kān aṯ-ṯaʿlab yawmahā huwa aṣayyād
riwāya -
Šaqīq an-naum
riwāya -
aṣ-ṣabī aš-šarīd : riwāya -
Super prima Digesti novi
Super prima Infortiati
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Summula Raymundi demum revisa ac castigatissime correcta brevissimo compendio sacramentorum alta complectens mysteria. ...
Super secunda Digesti novi
Super secunda Digesti veteris
Gemma Gemmarum Quia per insertione[m] multo[rum] vocabuloru[m] emendata est [et]c[etera]. quare merito excelle[n]ti appellat[ur] titulo. vnacu[m] multis adiu[n]ctis vtilib[us]: vt infra. que in priorib[us] libris non sunt impressa. ...
Oratio ad regem Maximilianu[m] de laudibus atq[ue] amplitudi[n]e Germani[a]e. Contra que[n]dam pseudoproheten Carmen. Carmen contra detractorem regi[a]e maiestatis. Germani sunt indigen[a]e. Opusculum qui authores legendi sint ad co[m]pa[r]andam eloquentiam. Comœdia de optimo studio scholasticorum. Elegia de duobus ama[n]tibus. Elegia de miseria human[a]e co[n]ditionis pulcherrima. Satyra co[n]tra detractores et p[er]uersos mores hominu[m]. Elegia de morte cuiusda[m] puell[a]e formosissim[a]e. Epigra[m]mata varia. Epitaphia multorum. Hymni. Panegyrici. Inuectiu[a]e. Oratio de vtilitate lingu[a]e Latin[a]e, et vnde eruditi eloque[n]tesq[ue] euadamus; & de optio p[er]ceptore eligendo
Juvenile monitor, or, The new children's friend
The hermit of the forest, and the wandering infants
A rural fragment. ; Embellished with cuts -
Ruʼya islāmiyya li-baʻḍ al-muškilāt al-ṭibbiyya al-muʻāṣira
t̲abt kāmil li-aʻmāl barnāmaǧ Muʼtamar al-ʻAwlama wa-at̲aruhā ʻalā al-tanmiyya wa-al-riʻāya al-ṣiḥḥiyya fī al-duwal al-islāmiyya ; fī al-fatra min 9-13 muḥarram 1423 H. al-muwāfiq 23-27 māris 2002 M. al-Kuwayt -
[F]Rater ambrosius tua michi munusc[u]la p[er]ferens ...
A Select collection of the newest and most favorite country dances, waltzes, reels & cotillions
as performed at court and all grand assemblies -
The three woe-trumpets, of which the first and second are already past, and the third is now begun
under which the seven vials of the wrath of God are to be poured out upon the world ; being the substance of two discourses, from Rev. XI. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ; delivered in Parliament, on the 3d and 24th of February, 1793