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The 4. of November. The peace of France. Or The edict, with the articles of peace, granted by the French king vnto his subiects of the reformed religion. For the establishing of a firme and generall peace throughout the whole kingdome of France
Given at his campe before Mompellier the nineteenth day of October. 1622. Faithfully translated out of the French copie -
The 4 of Nouember the peace of France. Or The edict, with the articles of peace granted by the French King vnto his subiects of the reformed religion
For the establishing of a firme and generall peace throughout the whole kingdome of France. Giuen at his campe before Montpellier the nyneteenth day of October, 1622 -
The 4. of November. The peace of France. Or The edict, with the articles of peace, granted by the French king vnto his subiects of the reformed religion. For the establishing of a firme and generall peace throughout the whole kingdome of France
Given at his campe before Mompellier the nineteenth day of October. 1622. Faithfully translated out of the French copie