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Es wurden 1441 Ergebnisse gefunden.
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L'Eualuation de toutes deniers dor & dargent par figures, ayant cours & myse par tous les pays de limperiale maieste de par decha
The interest of England in the Irish transplantation, stated
wherein is held forth (to all concerned in Irelands good settlement) the benefits the Irish transplantation will bring to each of them in particular, and to the Common-wealth in general, being chiefly intended as an answer to a scandalous, seditious pamphlet, entituled, The great case of transplantation in Ireland discussed. Composed and published at the request of several persons in eminent place in Ireland, to the end all who desire it, might have a true account of the proceedings that have been there in the business of transplantation, both as to the rise, progress, and end thereof. By a faithfull servant of the Common-wealth, Richard Laurence -
Statuta In parliamento apud Westmonasterium tertio die Noue[m]bris
Anno regni metuendissimi Anglie et Francie regis ... Henrici octaui vicesimo primo Tento, bonu[m] publicu[m] concernentia -
A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyghte: one of the counsayll of our souerayne lorde the kyng and chauncelloure of hys duchy of Lancaster
Wheryn be treatyd dyuers maters, as of the veneracyon [and] worshyp of ymagys [and] relyques, prayng to sayntis, [and] goynge on pylgrymage. Wyth many other thyngys touchyng the pestylent secte of Luther [and] Tyndale, by the tone bygone in Saxony, [and] by the tother laboryd to be brought in to England. Newly ouersene by the sayd syr Thomas More chauncellour of England. 1530 -
The book of hunting
The parable of the wycked mammo[n]
take[n] out of the. xvi. ca. of Luke with an exposicyon thervpon lately corrected [and] prynted -
A proclamation published vnder the name of Iames King of Great Britanny. With a briefe & moderate answere therunto. Whereto are added the penall statutes, made in the same kingdome, against Catholikes. Togeather with a letter which sheweth the said Catholikes piety: and diuers aduertisements also, for better vndersatnding of the whole matter. Translated out of Latin into English
Statuta in parliamento apud Westmonasterium tertio die Noue[m]bris, anno regni ... Henrici Octavi vicesimo primo tento, bonu[m] publicum concernentia
Paruulo[rum] institutio ex Stanbrigiana collectio[n]e
The boke of the iustyce of peas
the charge with all the proces of the cessyons neuly correctyd and amendyd with dyuers new addycyons put to the same -
The Psalter of Dauid in Englishe purely a[n]d faithfully tra[n]slated aftir the texte of Feline: euery Psalme hauynge his argument before, declarynge brefly thentente [and] substance of the wholl Psalme
A compendious olde treatyse, shewynge howe that we oughte to haue ye scripture in Englysshe
Lyttylton tenures newly imprinted
Lyttylto[n] tenures newly imprinted
How many partes of reason be there
viii -
Portiforium seu breuiarium ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis.
Portiforiu[m] seu breuiariu[m] ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburie[n]sis
castigatum, suppletu[m], marginalibus quotationibus adornatu[m], pulcherrimisq[ue] ymaginibus decoratu[m], ac nu[n]c primu[m] ad verissimum ordinalis exemplar in suu[m] ordine[m] a p[er]itissimis viris redactu[m]. Una cu[m] directorij (q[uo]d [et] pica voca[n]t) i[n]terpositide[m]. Ad iu[n]cto etia[m] idice p[er] necessario de festiuitatu[m] d[omi]nicaru[m], octauaru[m], feriaru[m]q[ue] diuisione. Pars estiualis. 1530 -
Oratio pro pauperibus, ut eis liceat mendicare
And. Alciati libellus, De ponderibus et mensuris
item, Budæi quædam de eadem re, adhuc non uisa -
An historical journal of the American war, 1765-1784
Hore beate marie virginis ad vsum ecclesie Sarum
Vocabula magistri sta[n]brigi p[ri]mu[m] ia[m] edita sua salte[m] editio[n]e
De termino Pasche anno. ix. Henrici. iiii
Processionale ad vsum insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum
Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita, et castigata ... Oxoniensi academia lauriati