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Dialogi oder Gesprech von der gemainsame, unnd den Kirchenübungen der Christen, und was yeder Oberkait von ampts wegen, auß göttlichem befelch, an den selbigen zuversehen und zu besseren gebüre
Vom Ampt der oberkait, in sachen der religion und Gotsdiensts
Dialogi oder Gesprech Von der gemainsame/ unnd den Kirchenübungen der Christen, und was yeder Oberkait von ampts wegen, auß göttlichem befelch, an den selbigen zuversehen und zu besseren gebüre
A treatise declaryng [and] shewig dyuers causes take[n] out of the holy scriptur[es] of the sente[n]ces of holy faders
[and] of the decrees of deuout emperours, that pyctures [and] other ymages which were wont to be worshypped, ar i[n] no wise to be suffred in the temples or churches of Christen men. By the whiche treatise the reder that is indifferent, shall se and perceyue, how good and godly a dede it was of the senatoures of Arge[n]tine, that of late daies they caused all the ymages with their auters to be cleane take[n] out of their churches. The authours of this litle treatise ar the ope[n] preachers of Argte[n]yne -
A treatise declaring and showing that images are not to be suffered in churches
Axiomata Apologetica Mar. Bvceri [Buceri] De Sacro Evcharistiae [Eucharistiae] mysterio
& circa hoc Ecclesiarum concordia, quibus respondet Thematis. N. Amßdorfij, Argentoratenses falso criminantibus