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Juvenile monitor, or, The new children's friend
The hermit of the forest, and the wandering infants
A rural fragment. ; Embellished with cuts -
A Select collection of the newest and most favorite country dances, waltzes, reels & cotillions
as performed at court and all grand assemblies -
The three woe-trumpets, of which the first and second are already past, and the third is now begun
under which the seven vials of the wrath of God are to be poured out upon the world ; being the substance of two discourses, from Rev. XI. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ; delivered in Parliament, on the 3d and 24th of February, 1793 -
Discourses on the several estates of man, on earth,-in heaven-and hell
Deduced from reason and revelation: as they were delivered in the Abbey Church, Bath -
The interest of England in the Irish transplantation, stated
wherein is held forth (to all concerned in Irelands good settlement) the benefits the Irish transplantation will bring to each of them in particular, and to the Common-wealth in general, being chiefly intended as an answer to a scandalous, seditious pamphlet, entituled, The great case of transplantation in Ireland discussed. Composed and published at the request of several persons in eminent place in Ireland, to the end all who desire it, might have a true account of the proceedings that have been there in the business of transplantation, both as to the rise, progress, and end thereof. By a faithfull servant of the Common-wealth, Richard Laurence -
The statutes or ordinaunces concernynge artificers, seruauntes, and labourers, iourneyme[n] and prentises
drawen out of the common lawes of this realme, sith the tyme of Edwarde the fyrst, vntyll the thyrd and fourth yeare of oure dread soueraygne lorde Kynge Edwarde the .vi. wyth the statute and order of the measuryng of landes -
By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie perceiueth that not withstandyng her commaundment lately publyshed for the ceassyng of certaine vayne and vntrue reportes touchyng a decrye of moneyes ...
By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie callyng to her good remembraunce howe well this realme is furnyshed with good lawes and orders, for redresse of many enormities ...
A note of certaine necessary actes mentioned in the Quenes Maiesties Proclamation, besyde a collection of certayne others, publyshed the last yere, and nowe to be all executed
The briefe content of certayne actes of Parliament, agaynst thinordinate vse of apparell
A proclamation agaynst the deceyptfull wyndyng and foldynge of wooles
Anno XXI. Henrici Octavi. statut ad remp. spectantia, edita in prima sessione parliamenti
primo inchoati in ciuitate Londin. tertio die Nouembris, anno regni inuictissimi principis Henrici octaui, Angliæ & Franciæ regis fidei defensoris, & domini Hiberiæ. XXI & ex ea ciuitate tam adiurnati quam prorogati ad palatium VVestmon. & ibidem continuati per. XLIIII. dies, videlicet vsq[ue] ad XVII. diem Decembris & ab eisdem loco & die prorogati vsque ad XXVI. diem Aprilis tunc proxime instantis -
Anno XXV. Henrici Octavi. Actes made in the session of this present parliament holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster, the. xv. day of Ianuarie, in the .xxv. yere of the reigne of our most drad soueraigne lord kyng Henry the .viii
and there continued and kept till the .xxx. daie of Marche then next ensuynge: to the honour of god and holy church, and for the common weale and profite of this his realme -
Anno XXVI. Henrici Octavi. Actes made in the session of this present parliament holden vpon prorogacion at westminster, the. iii. day of Nouember, in the .XXVI. yere of the reigne of our moste drad soueraigne lorde kynge Henrie the eight
and there continued and kept till the .xviii. day of Decembre next ensuynge. To the honour of God, and for the common weale and profit of this realme -
Anno XXXI. Henrici Octavi. Henry the eyght by the grace of god king of England and of Fraunce, defender of faith, Lord of Irelande, & in earth supreme hed immediately vnder Christ of the church of England, to the honour of almighty God co[n]sernacion of the true doctrine of Christes religion, and for the concord quiet & welth of this his realme and subiects of the same, helde his moste high court of Parliament, begonne at Westminster the .xxviii. day of Apryl, and there continued til the .xxviii. day of Iune, the .xxxi. yere of his most noble and victorious reigne, wherin were established these actes folowyng
Anno XXXIII. Henrici Octavi. Henry the .viii. by the grace of God kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the churche of Englande and also of Irelande in earthe supreme heade, to the honour of almightie God, and for the concorde quyet and welth of this his realme, and subiectes of the same, helde his moste high courte of parliament, begun at Westminster the. xvi. day of Ianuary, and continued til the first day of Apryl, the xxxiii. yere of his moste noble and victorious reigne, wherin were establyshed these actes folowyng
Anno XXXIIII. et .V. Henrici Octaui. Actes made in the session of this present parliamente holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster the .xxii. day of Ianuary in the .xxxiiii. yere of the reigne of our moste drad soueraigne lorde Henry the eyght by the grace of god king of England Fraunce and Ireland defendour of the faith and of the church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head, and there continued and kepte tyll the .xii. day of May in the .xxxv. yere of our sayde soueraigne lord, to the honour of god and for the common weale and profite of this his realme
Anno XXXVII. Henrici Octavi. Statutes made in the parliament, holden at westminster in the .xxxvii. yere of the moste renoumed Henry the eyght, by the grace of God king of England Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the faith, and of the church of England and also of Irelande in earth Supreme head
The true reporte of the forme and shape of a monstrous childe, borne at Muche Horkesleye
a village three myles from Colchester, in the countye of Essex, the .xxi. daye of Apryll in this yeare. 1562 -
Anno XXVII. Henrici octaui
Actes made in the session of this present parliament holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster, the .iiii. daie of Februarie, in the. xxvii. yere of the rigne [sic] of our moste drad soneraynge [sic] lorde kynge Henry the .viii. and there continued and kepte vntill the .xiiii. daie of Aprill next ensuing. To the honour of God, and for the common weale and profite of this realme -
A proclamation published vnder the name of Iames King of Great Britanny. With a briefe & moderate answere therunto. Whereto are added the penall statutes, made in the same kingdome, against Catholikes. Togeather with a letter which sheweth the said Catholikes piety: and diuers aduertisements also, for better vndersatnding of the whole matter. Translated out of Latin into English
A proclamation for the obseruation of certeine statutes
with a fourme how the same shal be executed, and a summary abridgment of euery of the same statutes foloing, 1562. &.4. Elizabet -
Anno XXVII Henrici Octaui
actes made in the session of this present Parliamente holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the fourth day of Februarye, in the xxvii. yeare of the raigne of our most dread soueraigne lord Kinge Henry the Eyght and there continued and kepte vntyll the fourtene daye of Apryll nexte ensuynge, to the honour of God, and for the common weale and profitte of this realme -
By the Quene
the Quenes Maiestie perceyueth that not withstanding her commaundement lately publyshed for the ceassing of certayne vayne and vntrue reportes touching a decry of monyes