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Dēmosthenus logoi kai prooimia dēmēgorika kai epistolai syn tais exēgēsesin ōphelimōtatais, tu Ulpianu rhētoros, tē tōn palain︢ antigraphōn basilikōn epikuria auxētheisas kai diorthōtheisas, dia philoponias kai epimeleias tu Gulielmu Moreliu, typographu basiliku. Ek bibliothēkēs basilikēs. Proetedē bios Dēmosthenus, kai alla polla, pros ton tu autu rhētoros bion anēkonta, ek sychnōn syngrapheōn syllechthenta. Elenchos tōn logōn, kai proiom. dēmēgorikōn, kai epistolōn, meta ta prolegomena tu Ulpianu
The three orations of Demosthenes chiefe orator among the Grecians, in fauour of the Olynthians, a people in Thracia, now called Romania
with those his fower orations titled expressely & by name against king Philip of Macedonie: most nedefull to be redde in these daungerous dayes, of all them that loue their countries libertie, and desire to take warning for their better auayle, by example of others. Englished out of the Greeke by Thomas Wylson doctor of the ciuill lawes. After these orations ended, Demosthenes lyfe is set foorth, and gathered out of Plutarch, Lucian, Suidas, and others, with a large table, declaring all the principall matters conteyned in euerye part of this booke. Seene and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions -
Demosthenis oratorum Graeciae principis Opera, quae ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt omnia, una cum Ulpiani Rhetoris commentariis, e Graeco in Latinum sermonem conversa, per Hieronymum Wolfium Oetingensem [et] in quinque divisa partes, quarum singulae quid contineant statim a praefatione reperies
Dēmosthenus logoi kai prooimia dēmēgorika kai epistolai syn tais exēgēsesin ōphelimōtatais, tu Ulpianu rhētoros, tē tōn palain︢ antigraphōn basilikōn epikuria auxētheisas kai diorthōtheisas, dia philoponias kai epimeleias tu Gulielmu Moreliu, typographu basiliku. Ek bibliothēkēs basilikēs. Proetedē bios Dēmosthenus, kai alla polla, pros ton tu autu rhētoros bion anēkonta, ek sychnōn syngrapheōn syllechthenta. Elenchos tōn logōn, kai proiom. dēmēgorikōn, kai epistolōn, meta ta prolegomena tu Ulpianu
Demosthenis orationes Olynthiacæ tres, & quatuor Philippicæ, cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem argumenti nunc primum adiectis, in vsum adolescentum recte Græce discere cupientium separatim editæ
[Dēmosthenus Logoi, Kai Prooimia Dēmēgorika, Kai Epistolai ...]