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Theatrum Imperii Magnae Britanniae
Exactam Regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae et Insularum adiacentium Geographiam ob oculos ponens una cum Comitatibus, Century͏̈s, Urbibus et primary͏̈s Comitatuum oppidis, intra Regnum Angliae, divisis et descriptis ; [gewidmet:] Iacobo, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, Et Hiberniae Regi ; Cum PrivilegioLiber Primus : Universum Describens Regnum, cum illis Comitatibus, Urbibus, et primariis Comitatuum Oppidis, quae proprie Anglica censentur -
Kent With Her Cities And Earles Described and observed
Sussex Described and divided into Rapes
with the situation of Chichester the cheife citie thereof. And the armes of such Nobles as have bene dignified with the title of Earles since the conquest and other accidents theirein observed ; Cum privilegio -
Surrey Described And Divided Into Hundreds
Cum Privilegio -
Hantshire described and devided
Cum Privilegio -
Wight Island
Cum Privilegio -
Dorsetshyre With the Shyre-towne Dorchester described
as also the Armes of such noble families as have bene honored with the Titles there of since the Normans Conquest to this present ; Cum privilegio -
Devonshire With Excester Described
And the Armes of such Nobles as have borne the titles of them ; Cum privilegio -
Cum Privilegio -
Somerset-Shire Described and into Hundreds devided
with the plott of the famous and most wholsom waters and citie of the Bathe ; Cum privilegio -
Cum Privilegio -
Essex, devided into Hundreds, with the most antient and fayre Towne Colchester Described and other memorable Monuments observed
Cum Privilegio -
Suffolke described and divided into Hundreds
The situation of the fayre towne Ipswich shewed, with the Armes of the most noble families that have bene either Dukes, or Earles both of that Countie as also of Clare ; Cum Privilegio -
Norfolk A Countie Florishing & Populous Described And Devided
With The Armes Of Such Noble Familes As Have Borne The Titles Therof ; cum privil. -
Cambridgshire described
with the devision of the hundreds, the Townes situation, with the Armes of the Colleges of that famous Universiti. And also the Armes of all such Princes and noble men as have heertofore borne the honorable tytles & dignities of the Earldome of Cambridg. ; Cum Privilegio -
Hartford Shire Described
The sittuations of Hartford, and the most ancient towne S Albons with such memorable actions as have happened ; Cum Privilegio -
Bedford Shire And The Situation Of Bedford described
with the armes of thos Honorable Familyes that have borne ye titles of Dukes and Earles thereof ; Cum Privilegio -
Buckingham Both Shyre, and Shiretowne describ.
Cum Privilegio -
contrived into thirty thre severall hundreds & those againe into foure principall devisions The Citie of Glocester & Bristowe discribed with the armes of such noble men as have bene dignified with ye titles of Earles & Dukes therof ; Cum Pri. -
Hereford-Shire described
With the true plot of the Citie Hereford, as alsoe the Armes of thos Nobles that have bene intituled with that Dignitye ; Cum Privilegio -
Worcestershire Described
Cum Privilegio -
The Counti Of Warwick The Shire Towne And Citie Of Coventre described
Cum Privilegio -
Cum Privilegio -
Huntington Both Shire And Shire Towne With The Ancient Citie Ely Described
cum Privilegio -
Rutlandshire With Oukham and Stanford her bordering Neighbour Newely described
Cum Privilegio