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A proclamation published vnder the name of Iames King of Great Britanny. With a briefe & moderate answere therunto. Whereto are added the penall statutes, made in the same kingdome, against Catholikes. Togeather with a letter which sheweth the said Catholikes piety: and diuers aduertisements also, for better vndersatnding of the whole matter. Translated out of Latin into English
By the King
Iames by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland ... : whereas our late sister ... Elizabeth late queen of England by her letters patents bearing date at Westminster the xiii. day of Iuly, in the xxxvi. yeere of her raigne -
By the King
where vpon our first comming to the succession of this kingdome, at the sute of diuers persons, who had ... commissions ... for the taking up of hounds -
By the King
whereas wee haue euer since it pleased God to establish vs in the imperiall crowne of Great Britaine, equally equally regarded the good of both the late kingdomes of Scotland and England -
By the King
whereas the Kings Maiestie hath alwayes bene ready to imbrace and cherish such a perfect amitie betweene him and the king of Spaine -
By the King
whereas one Thomas Percy, a gentleman pensioner to his Maiestie, is discovered to haue bene priuy to one of the most horrible treasons that euer was contriued -
By the King
whereas Thomas Percy gentleman, and some other his confederates ... haue beene discovered to haue contrived the most horrible treason -
By the King. A proclamation for buildings, in and about London
By the King. A proclamation concerning leases and asserts
By the King. A proclamation concerning assart lands
His Maiesties speach in this last session of Parliament
as neere his very words as could be gathered at the instant. Together with a discourse of the maner of the discouery of this late intended treason, ioyned with the examination of some of the prisoners -
By the King. Whereas the custody and safe keeping of our seuerall counties and shires of our realme of England, are by our ancient common lawes committed to seuerall shiriffes ...
By the King. A proclamation to redresse the mis-imployment of lands, goods, and other things giuen for charitable vses
By the King
whereas Thomas Percy gentleman, and some other his confederates, persons knowen to be so vtterly corrupted with the superstition of the Romish religion -
By the King
Whereas one Thomas Percy a gentleman pensioner to his Maiestie, is discouered to haue bene priuy to one of the most horrible treasons that euer was contriued, that is, to haue blowen vp this day, while his Maiestie should haue bene in the vpper house of the Parliament, attended with the Queen, the Prince, all his nobilitie and the Commons, with gun powder -
By the King
Iames Rex. Whereas we are informed that our subiects in that our realme of Ireland, haue sithence the decease of our deare sister Queen Elizabeth been much abused by an vntrue suggestion & report, insinuated and spread among them to this effect, that wee for our part, haue a purpose or inclination to giue libertie of conscience & tolleration of religion vnto our said subiectes in that kingdom -
A proclamation for buildings, in and about London
A proclamation for buildings, in and about London
Whereas Thomas Percy Gentleman, and some other his confederates, person knowen to be so vtterly corrupted with the superstition of the Romish religion ...
Whereas the custody and safe keeping of our seuerall counties and shires of our realme of England, are by our ancient common lawes committed to seuerall shiriffes, ...
Where amongst other persons discouered to bee confederates in the late horrible treason
for the destruction of our person and the whole estates of the realme, one Robert Winter, esquire -
Forasmuch as it appeareth novv in part, vvho were the complices of Percy in his detestable treason published by our former proclamations, ...
Whereas one Thomas Percy, a gentleman pensioner to his Maiestie, is discouered to haue bene priuie to one of the most horrible treasons that euer was contriued, ...
Where vpon our first comming to the succession of this kingdome, at the sute of diuers persons, who had or pretended to haue from the Queene of famous memory our sister deceased, commissions as annexed of course to seuerall offices which they helde, for the taking vp of hounds, greyhounds, spaniels, and dogges of other sorts ...
A proclamation to redresse the mis-imployment of lands, goods, and other things giuen for charitable vses