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Es wurden 7 Ergebnisse gefunden.

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  1. Die Mitteleuropa-Idee und die konservativen Österreicher jüdischer Herkunft: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Leopold von Andrian und Otto Maria Karpfen (Carpeaux)
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut
    Erschienen: 25.06.2021

    Im Kontext der modernen europäischen Nationalstaaten war das Habsburger Reich ein Anachronismus. Seine multiethnische und multikulturelle Konzeption garantierte jedoch ein friedliches, gleichberechtigtes Zusammenleben, das von verschiedenen... mehr


    Im Kontext der modernen europäischen Nationalstaaten war das Habsburger Reich ein Anachronismus. Seine multiethnische und multikulturelle Konzeption garantierte jedoch ein friedliches, gleichberechtigtes Zusammenleben, das von verschiedenen Minderheiten geschätzt wurde, insbesondere von den Juden. Diese verblieben nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges in dem neuen Nationalstaat Deutschösterreich bzw. Republik Österreich als eine Art Minderheit ohne Minderheitenstatus. In der Idee von "Mitteleuropa" überlebte ein guter Teil der Ideologie, die das Reich am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts zusammengehalten hatte. Sie fand Eingang in die nostalgischen Elemente einer neuen Identität der Österreicher, die resistent waren gegen alldeutsche Tendenzen, wurde aber auch von konservativ-katholischen Intellektuellen jüdischen Ursprungs vertreten, die nach einer Bastion gegen die antisemitische und ultranationalistische Entwicklung suchten. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Leopold von Andrian und Otto Maria Karpfen (Carpeaux) entwickelten in den Jahren zwischen den Kriegen politische Vorstellungen, die aus heutiger Sicht extrem konservativ und anachronistisch erscheinen. Betrachtet man sie jedoch genauer, wird deutlich, dass die Mitteleuropa-Idee im Rahmen des antimodernen Gestus einen humanistischen Kern bildet, eine spezifische Form von Widerstand gegen die totalitäre Welle der 1930er Jahre. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht die Eigenart der drei Entwürfe und ihre verbindenden Züge nachzuzeichnen. In the context of modern European nation states, the Habsburg Empire was an anachronism. Its multi-ethnic and multicultural conception, however, guaranteed a peaceful, equal coexistence that was appreciated by various minorities, especially by the Jews. After the end of the First World War, these remained in the new nation state of German Austria or the Republic of Austria as a kind of minority without minority status. In the idea of "Central Europe", a substantial part of the ideology that had held the empire together at the end of 19th century survived. It found its way into the nostalgic elements of a new identity of those Austrians who were resistant to the pan-German tendencies, but was also held by conservative Catholic intellectuals of Jewish origin who were looking for a bastion against anti-Semitic and ultranationalist tendencies. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Leopold von Andrian and Otto Maria Karpfen (Carpeaux) developed political ideas that seem extremely conservative and even anachronistic from today's perspective. At a closer look, however, it becomes clear that the Mitteleuropa idea forms a humanistic core within the anti-modern gesture, a specific kind of resistance to the totalitarian wave of the 1930s. This article attempts to trace the particular nature of the three conceptions in their specificity as well as their unifying features. No contexto dos Estados-nação europeus modernos, o Império Habsburgo era um anacronismo. Entretanto, sua constituição multiétnica e multicultural garantiu uma coexistência pacífica e igualitária que foi apreciada por várias minorias, em particular os judeus. Após o fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial, estes permaneceram no novo Estado-nação da Áustria alemã ou na República da Áustria como uma espécie de minoria sem status de minoria. Na idéia da "Europa Central" sobreviveu uma parte substancial da ideologia que tinha mantido o império unido no final do século XIX. Ela se encontrou seu caminho para os elementos nostálgicos de uma nova identidade dos austríacos resistentes às tendências pan-germânicas, mas também foi defendida por intelectuais católicos conservadores de ascendência judaica que buscavam um bastião contra as tendências anti-semitas e ultra-nacionalistas. Entre as guerras, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Leopold von Andrian e Otto Maria Karpfen (Carpeaux) desenvolveram idéias políticas que, da perspectiva atual, parecem extremamente conservadoras e até anacrônicas. Se olharmos mais de perto para eles, no entanto, torna-se claro que a idéia Mitteleuropa forma um núcleo humanista dentro do gesto antimoderno, uma específica forma de resistência à onda totalitária dos anos 1930. O presente artigo tenta delinear as diferenças das três concepções e também seus traços unificadores.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Hofmannsthal, Hugo von; Andrian-Werburg, Leopold von; Österreich; Mitteleuropa; Mitteleuropabild



  2. Geschichtsdarstellung in der Gegenwartsliteratur : Florian Illies' Pop-Chronik der Welt von Gestern Representation of history in contemporary literature : Florian Illies's Pop-Chronicle of the Belle Epoque
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut

    Florian Illies' book "1913. Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts" ("1913. The Year before the Storm") has been a major success with critics and readers. Based on documented facts, the author tells a kind of cultural history of the last year before the Great... mehr


    Florian Illies' book "1913. Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts" ("1913. The Year before the Storm") has been a major success with critics and readers. Based on documented facts, the author tells a kind of cultural history of the last year before the Great War, formed by independent episodes from the lives of innumerable persons, mainly artists, writers and other celebrities. Using his imagination and techniques of fictional writing the text shows remarkable proximity to fiction although it does not invent characters or events. The article compares the book to other recent literary representations of history and analyses its narrative structure. It will be shown that the author chose a casual ironical style and an intimate perspective on the protagonists in order to entertain the reader with elements still relevant in our contemporary popular culture. It seems to be intended that the reader develops a kind of counterfactual fantasy that links his present directly to the Golden Age of art, omitting the catastrophes of 20th century. O livro "1913. Der Sommer des Jahrhunderts" ("1913. O verão do século") de Florian Illies foi um dos maiores sucessos recentes junto à crítica e os leitores. Baseado em fatos documentados o autor conta uma espécie de história cultural do último ano antes da Grande Guerra, formada por episódios independentes das vidas de inúmeras pessoas, sobretudo artistas, escritores e outros proeminentes. Usando sua imaginação e técnicas da escrita ficcional, o texto apresenta uma proximidade notável da ficção apesar de não inventar personagens e acontecimentos. O presente artigo compara o livro com outras representações literárias da história recentes e analisa sua estrutura narrativa. Será mostrado que o autor elegeu um estilo descontraído e irônico e uma perspectiva íntima sobre os protagonistas para entreter o leitor com elementos que ainda são relevantes na nossa cultura popular contemporânea. A intenção do autor, ao que parece, é fazer com que o leitor desenvolva uma espécie de fantasia contrafactual que o relacione diretamente com esse Século de Ouro da arte, pulando as catástrofes do século XX.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Illies, Florian; Historischer Roman; Popliteratur; Kulturgeschichte



  3. Nackter Amor - grimmige Fama : Selbststilisierung und freie Sexualität in den "Römischen Elegien" Goethes
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut
    Erschienen: 01.01.2013

    The whole of 24 poems belonging to the cycle of "Roman Elegies" may be seen as an attempt by Goethe to recover and reintegrate sexuality as a natural human function, a project authorized and shielded by the amatory elegy genre but opposed to the... mehr


    The whole of 24 poems belonging to the cycle of "Roman Elegies" may be seen as an attempt by Goethe to recover and reintegrate sexuality as a natural human function, a project authorized and shielded by the amatory elegy genre but opposed to the morality of his contemporaries. His aim was also to promote a public acceptance for his new way of living, which was commonly considered as immoral and consisted in the , illicit relationship with Christiane Vulpius. The original cycle gives more explicit clues about the intentions and ideas of Goethe than the 20 elegies which he published in 1795, but the censured version still permitted a change in the public opinion of Goethe. Pode-se entender o conjunto cornpleto de 24 poemas pertencentes ao ciclo das "Elegias Romanas" como uma tentativa de Goethe de conseguir uma reabilitaçãodo sexual, legitimada pelo gênero da poesia amorosa romana. Ao mesmo ternpo esse projeto poético serve para obter a aceitacão pública à sua nova forma de vida, o matrimônio não legalizado com Christiane Vulpius, considerado imoral pela maioria das pessoas em Weimar. O ciclo original de 24 poemas mostra mais claramentc as intencões e o pensamento do autor que as 20 elegias que ele publicou depois, mas até essa versão censurada permitiu a transformacão da imagem pública do poeta.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von / Römische Elegien; Erotische Lyrik Erotik <Motiv>; Priapos; Autorenbild; Öffentliche Meinung



  4. Zerstören oder Bewahren? : Umgang mit kulturellem Erbe bei Heinrich Böll und Erich Loest
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut

    The article describes and analyses the attitudes of ruling and opposing elites towards the cultural and architectural heritage as it is articulated in the novels of two prominent authors of the intellectual opposition in Western (Böll) and Eastern... mehr


    The article describes and analyses the attitudes of ruling and opposing elites towards the cultural and architectural heritage as it is articulated in the novels of two prominent authors of the intellectual opposition in Western (Böll) and Eastern Germany (Loest). Böll emphasizes the necessity of destroying cultural patrimony in order to recover its memorial function in the west, whereas Loest pleads for the resistance: against the official policy of destruction in the east. Preservation of historical monuments in both cases is seen in function of the interests of the living generation, not as a value in itself. O artigo descreve e analisa como dois importantes autores de oposição intelectual na Alemanha Ocidental (Böll) e Oriental (Loest) reconstroem, cada um para sua sociedade, as atitudes dominantes frente ao patrimônio cultural e arquitetônico. Em cada caso, as atitudes das elites do poder diferem daquelas dos opositores: Na RFA, o governo, em geral, preserva os monumentos, fingindo uma continuidade histórica; na RDA, o govemo destrói palácios e igrejas para romper com as tradições. Os autores simpatizam com os opositores: Böll, no oeste, enfatiza a necessidade de destruir o patrimônio cultural para recuperar a função memorativa da mesmo, enquanto Loest opta pela resistencia contra a política oficial da destrução no leste. A preservação de monumentos históricos é vista, em ambos os casos, em função das necessidades da geração atual, não corno valor em si mesmo.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Kollektives Gedächtnis; Denkmalpflege; Stadtplanung; Opposition; Böll, Heinrich; Loest, Erich



  5. Zur Erinnerung an deutsche Opfer: Geschichte, Zeugnis und Fiktion in Grass' Novelle Im Krebsgang
    Autor*in: Galle, Helmut

    Analysing a novelette by G. Grass, the author points out a recent tendency of German literature on World War II. Several new books on this subject focalize, not on guilt, but rather on the suffering of German population. Grass's text shows a... mehr


    Analysing a novelette by G. Grass, the author points out a recent tendency of German literature on World War II. Several new books on this subject focalize, not on guilt, but rather on the suffering of German population. Grass's text shows a particular respect for historical facts and allows the reader to easily distinguish between factual and fictional elements. In the fictional parts the author imitates the genre of testimony and qualifies, by these means, the novelette for collective memory. The fictional action also contains political arguments that explain, why Germans should commemorate their victims: for the sake of truth and emotional balance, and in order to find a way out of the circuit of the violence, perpetuated through generations. Grass's book can be seen as part of a tradition of representing historical events, at the service of a humanistic and enlightened collective memory, which, in Germany, has its roots in Schiller's dramatic works. Der Artikel untersucht anhand einer Novelle von G. Grass eine aktuelle Tendenz der deutschen Literatur über den Zweiten Weltkrieg, in der nicht mehr die Schuld, sondern das Leiden der deutschen Bevölkerung im Zentrum steht. Grass' Text zeigt eine spezifische Sorgfalt im Umgang mit den historischen Fakten und macht dem Leser die Differenz von faktualen und fiktionalen Elementen besonders transparent. Im fiktionalen Bereich imitiert der Autor die Gattung des Zeugenberichts, was wesentlich dazu beiträgt, seine Novelle zum Träger von kollektiver Erinnerung zu qualifizieren. In der fiktionalen Handlung ist außerdem eine politische Argumentation aufgehoben, mit der unterstrichen wird, warum auch der deutschen Opfer gedacht werden muss: um der Wahrheit und des emotionalen Gleichgewichts willen und um einen – wenngleich schmalen – Ausweg aus dem über Generationen fortgesetzten Teufelskreis der Gewalt zu finden. Grass' Novelle steht damit zugleich in einer Tradition von Vergegenwärtigung historischer Ereignisses im Dienste einer humanistisch-aufgeklärten kollektiven Erinnerung, das sich in Deutschland auf Schillers Dramen zurückverfolgen lässt.


    Export in Literaturverwaltung
    Hinweise zum Inhalt: kostenfrei
    Quelle: GiNDok
    Sprache: Deutsch
    Medientyp: Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
    Format: Online
    DDC Klassifikation: Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur (830)
    Schlagworte: Grass, Günter / Im Krebsgang; Fiktion; Geschichte; Kollektives Gedächtnis

